I'm skipping around in my notepad, but as this beer is still pretty new to the national market and they have all kinds of nifty commercials, I say let me get this review typed up.
Beer Log: 5-23-09
State: Hanging out at a friends house, awaiting the UFC
Most of my friends and acquaintances know that the wife and I are beerfolk. I didn't realize I brought it up that much. Besides occasionally freaking someone out, one of the perks is that my friends always try to have some "different" beer at their houses when they know I'm coming to hang out. And recently, one of my friends and co-worker had a couple random beers at their house, and one of them: MGD 64.
Oh yes. A super light beer. Even after I got my palette working and began a love for anything with the word Imperial in front of it, I still find that can appreciate a light beer. My two favorites are Amstel Light and Michelob Ultra. Both are still 2 Star beers, but if I have to choose or I'm low on Weight watcher points, why not? I used to be a HUGE fan of Miller Lite. And I considered Miller Genuine Draft (MGD) the best beer on the planet while I was in Grad school: to the point where I would only get MGD when I wanted to treat myself (sad... I know). I never touch MGD now (unless I'm forced to), but it holds a special place in my heart. Kinda like the girl you lost your virginity with. Yeah she may not have looked all that hot when you think back on it all, but hey....um, moving on.
MGD 64
Came in a clear bottle and the beer was brilliantly clear and straw colored. Kinda wish they at least put it in a dark bottle. It has a corn kind of nose going on. On flavor, the beer has a touch of bread and hops followed by a horrible icky aftertaste. The AT is a little sticky on my tongue (nullus). It's not as watery as I thought: of course that was my first sip. The second sip was pretty bad. Kinda medicine-like. I had to choke this thing down. Take your favorite light beer and cut it with water. With its carbonation and mouthfeel, this stuff is just like Alka-Seltzer... with the ice melted in it. How do you even DO that with a beer. At least make it straight up alka-seltzer, but watered down A-S. Come on.
Damn shame for MGD 64. Maybe beer was meant to have a little something in it. Do we have to strip out every little thing. As I sit here a month later eating a Boca Burger and drinking some Crystal Light, I'm going on record that some things were meant to have some calories, and if you cannot handle it, just order a water with a lime in it. Oh it's real.
Beer Log: 5-23-09
State: Hanging out at a friends house, awaiting the UFC
Most of my friends and acquaintances know that the wife and I are beerfolk. I didn't realize I brought it up that much. Besides occasionally freaking someone out, one of the perks is that my friends always try to have some "different" beer at their houses when they know I'm coming to hang out. And recently, one of my friends and co-worker had a couple random beers at their house, and one of them: MGD 64.
Oh yes. A super light beer. Even after I got my palette working and began a love for anything with the word Imperial in front of it, I still find that can appreciate a light beer. My two favorites are Amstel Light and Michelob Ultra. Both are still 2 Star beers, but if I have to choose or I'm low on Weight watcher points, why not? I used to be a HUGE fan of Miller Lite. And I considered Miller Genuine Draft (MGD) the best beer on the planet while I was in Grad school: to the point where I would only get MGD when I wanted to treat myself (sad... I know). I never touch MGD now (unless I'm forced to), but it holds a special place in my heart. Kinda like the girl you lost your virginity with. Yeah she may not have looked all that hot when you think back on it all, but hey....um, moving on.
MGD 64
Came in a clear bottle and the beer was brilliantly clear and straw colored. Kinda wish they at least put it in a dark bottle. It has a corn kind of nose going on. On flavor, the beer has a touch of bread and hops followed by a horrible icky aftertaste. The AT is a little sticky on my tongue (nullus). It's not as watery as I thought: of course that was my first sip. The second sip was pretty bad. Kinda medicine-like. I had to choke this thing down. Take your favorite light beer and cut it with water. With its carbonation and mouthfeel, this stuff is just like Alka-Seltzer... with the ice melted in it. How do you even DO that with a beer. At least make it straight up alka-seltzer, but watered down A-S. Come on.
Damn shame for MGD 64. Maybe beer was meant to have a little something in it. Do we have to strip out every little thing. As I sit here a month later eating a Boca Burger and drinking some Crystal Light, I'm going on record that some things were meant to have some calories, and if you cannot handle it, just order a water with a lime in it. Oh it's real.
I can't understand why the megabrewers think making a beer that taste like carbonated water is a good thing. I just found your blog through Ronnie Crocker and I am enjoying your reviews.
Thanks Mike for reading the blog. Sadly I just discovered Ronnie's blog and I enjoy that one as well.
I think the megaswill guys think they can get away with anything. If you think about it, Michelob was pretty much a dead brand until Mich Ultra, which sent sales through the roof. Hell, even Sam Adams has a light beer. Shiner has two.
Tell the lite beer drinkers; "don't be afraid of flavor"! I just met Ronnie Crocker also. He came down to our homebrew club meeting last week. If your interested in hanging with a bunch of beer geeks you are welcome to join us. We have a lot more drinkers than homebrewers. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at the Out Post Tavern in Webster. http://www.outpost-tavern.net/ We generally have a specific style each month and the bar special orders a handful of craft beers for the club and then members will bring homebrew of the same style to sample. Please check out out club website at mashtronauts.com
Thanks for the invite. I have yet to make it even to a Foam Rangers meeting as they are near Reliant Stadium. We live in near Cypress, a good 80 miles from where you all meet. (Gotta love Houston). But I go down that way from time to time. We'll make sure to check it out.
MGD 64's tagline is "As Light as it Gets." Nothing the big brewers do really surprises me anymore, but I'm nearly baffled that a beer would actually wear this as a badge of honor -- especially when you see most other light beers trying to convince us how much flavor they have.
On the other hand, kudos to them I suppose for just coming out and acknowledging the truth...
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