I frequently will put some beer reviews on my Microsoft Notepad, as I'm frequently stuck in places without wireless access and do not have my beer book. Or am just too lazy to open up explorer. I can't remember when and where I had all of these beers, but I did have them.
Tommyknockers Cocoa Porter
I smell the strong cocoa and a backbone of strong caramel malt. Brown colorwith a tan strong low head. Nice stuff so far. Lighter body thanyou'd think and a more subtle cocoa flavor than the nose suggests. No coffee flavor, just a nice caramel malt. Very nice light body choco beer. It is a touch fizzy but okay. High 3 Star.
Sam Adams Hallertau Imperial Pilsner
Kinda cloudy and orangish. Excellent strong white lacy headin my Pilsner glass. This one has a great malt and hop nose.Oh yes lord. Great malt with a fantastic hop that finishes very quickly. The malt has a cough syrup quality, which I love, very imperial like. This one is very balanced as well. Moderate carbonation. I love how the Hallertau hops works with the intense malt. Unlike Cascade and whatnot which can leave a harsh aftertaste. High 4 Star if not 5 star. This is just plain excellent.
Sam Adams Boston Ale
Dark copper, nose is fruity and toasty. I think I'm smelling something akin to biscuits. Nice so far. Nice offwhite head witha touch of lace. Tastes fruity and toasty. A good amount of hopsas well in the AT. It is more complex than I thought, as I'm getting the bread in there in addition to the fruitiness. Nice beer man. Probably more of a estery amber than anything else. 3 Star.
Later on, while watching Beowulf
Reindeer's Revolt
Clear and light copper. Very strong many fingered head. Smells allplum and alcoholy. It's a little veggie smelling as well. Kindaplain tasting. A little astringent for me. 2 star.
Make sure you catch that movie Beowulf. It has Angelina Jolie in there naked, in CGI form. Awesome.
Abita Christmas
Velvet brown color, white a slight tan head. Smells like a greatcinnamon brown sugar cookie. Fantastic. Taste, not so much. On its own, it has a light breadiness and not much on the maltiness.Some cinnamon in there and a smattering of bitterness about. With the turkey, it is much better, some maltand stronger cinnamon cookie presence. Low 3 Star though, unless you are eating it with a saltier food.
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