A few days ago I was logged this review. I'm glad Mississippi is finally doing some microbrewing. But I must say they stumbled out of the gate.
I did enjoy my time when I lived in Miss right after college. Everyone was very nice and the community took us in. Too bad we did not get into beer until a couple years ago. All that wasted time.
Beer Log: A few days ago
State: Watching The Tudors, damn this show kicks ass.
Southern Pecan Nut Brown
I picked up this and a few other Lazy Mags when I was last in New Orleans.Smells a little fruity and malty. A touch of nutiness. Taste is roasty and whatnot, and a little sour. A nice bread in the aftertaste. A light hops to boot. Got a nice cloudy brown color with a nice liht brown head. Second draught gives me some more tang. There is something missing here, and I'm thinking this beer just needs some backbone, particularly a malt backbone. The wife just said it's an English Brown Ale, and that seems to make sense. Low 3 Star.
I really and truly hope Lazy Mag keeps the party going. I don't plan on getting any closer to Mississippi than New Orleans any time soon, but I may try to take a quick trip one of these days. Keep it going.
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