Beer Log: February 20, 2009
State: Chillin, a little hungry, watching UFC Wired.
New Belgium has some new stuff in Houston, can't wait.
Might Arrow
Clear amber color with a great strong head. I poured it in my 22oz Otter Creek glass, so I did it vigorously for a strong head. Nose is malty and rather citrusy that reminds me of Saaz hops. Makes me think of their 2 deg Below winter seasonal.
Taste is much more malty and bready, with a light hop touch. Good session beer that if someone told me was an ESB, I'd believe them. Low carbo and great drinkability. Has a nice quality to it that could make anyone want to drink more. The citrusy nose is rather deceiving. There MAY be a touch of citrus hops on the back of the tongue to round it out. Very nice. 3 Star.
The bottle says it's a Pale Ale with some Cascade and Golden hops. Nice man. Now that I read it, I can get a touch of that Cascade bitterness lurking in the background. Nice to see someone did not OD on the Cascade.
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