I'm sitting here watching the Florida A&M men's basketball game on our online tv station, FAMCast. We had the lead by 7 with 61 seconds to go and we let Delaware State come back. It's our last game for the old Gaither Gymnasium, and they are turning off the lights after the game. We're in overtime now and I'm getting some Barley Vino.
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale
Gotta send the old gym off right. Lot's of memories there. It's a dark orangish color. Has a thick light orange head on it. I'm going to guess I'll smell some strong malts and cascade hops. Yup. Sierra Nevada, don't ever change. I may be getting a light alcohol smell in there somewhere. Wow. Full bodied with a strong yet balanced malt and hops. There is a lingering bitterness on my tongue that's a little icky, but that's okay. Dammit, the feed just went out. Okay, got it back. How in the hell is the online feed gonna go out DURING OVERTIME! The hops on this one are pretty citrusy. For those not from the States, this is truly an American Barleywine, if not a West Coast BV, if there is such a thing. We're up by 2, and the other team just missed two 3 pointers. It's only 7.7 seconds left and we're shooting the free throws. That's a pretty good strong beer. And I notice that Sierra Nevada resisted the temptation to go Imperial with this beer, as it is very high caramel sweet malty, but not that Nyquil taste. On second thought, they must have mixed up a more piney hop in there. Doubtful its Saaz, but maybe Kent Goldings. The aftertaste is not so strong as you get used to it, and the beer just tastes more malty, like a Barleywine should.
Oh MY GOD we just FOULED a guy shooting a 3 pointer, and they will go to the line shooting 3 points while we're up by three. I swear we're trying to GIVE the game away!!!! He misses one we win. Dammit, he made the first one. HE BLEW IT! HE BLEW IT! HE MISSED IT! FAMU WIN! FAMU WIN! FLORIDA, FLORIDA, BLESS HER NAME, ORANGE AND GREEN WE'LL PROBABLY WAVE. Wow, we did our best to dick it up.
Oh yeah. 4 Star. Excellent barleywine and another excellent beer from Sierra Nevada.
Looking forward to 1) Finding my beer book, and 2) doing some traveling. We'll be heading back to New Orleans a month from now, to gamble, drink in public and hang out with some friends. The next weekend I'm heading to Vegas for to gamble, drink in public, hang out with some friends, and do some business for the company, in that order. The Misses will not make it with me to Vegas, so I may have to hit a few of their brewpubs on the solo. Hopefully I will find the time to get to a beer store to bring back some of that WestCoast. Go Rattlers.
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