Monday, July 19, 2010

Some Old French Beer

I'm sitting here sipping some gatorade and just turned on Punisher Warzone on DVR. Just finished a huge steak the wife made for me with some alfredo and asparagus. I had this French beer one of the boys brought over months ago.

Beer Log: A few minutes ago
State: A little dehydrated after a nice run on the treads, just absorbing water

La Bete Dos Vosges
This beer advertises itself as DAMN, the PUNISHER IS STRAIGHT FUKCING THESE PEOPLE UP IN THIS ONE. SON OF A B!TCH! I am 5 minutes into this movie and he's already killed like 25 people. Frank Castle baby! Anyway this beer looked straight like apple cider, cloudy and copper, no head. DAMN THIS DUDE JUST POPPED HIS OWN NOSE BACK IN PLACE. Good sugar sweetness and light body. At first it's cool, but it quickly gets sickenly sweet and pineapply. Low carbonation probably from how long we aged it. Low hops. Just a sweet liquor like thing. 1 Star.

I liked the beers I had in Paris a lot better.

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