Finally ready to taste this one.
State: Slight cough still from my swine flu.
Beer Log: Right now
Nose is a great chocolate, malt, and spiciness. I detect a nice fruitiness as well. Fantastic. Color is orangish with a nice smooth steady white head. Wow. Lots of chocolate and sherry flavors. Just a big dog gone beer. There is a lot of fruitiness in the afteretaste to boot. Great Scot that's a malty chocolate. I get some alcohol in there as well as it warms up, and its converting more to a raisiny flavor. Kinda like raisinettes. And for the first time in my beering career, I can comfortably say I'm getting a nice Band-aid flavor on the back of the tongue and the aftertaste. I always kinda wondered if those dudes on Craft Beer radio and the Brewing Network were honestly tasting band-aid, well, I see it now. Give me a 4 star when it's colder, a 3 star when it's warm. This beer has so much going on with it that I look forward to trying it again in 6-12 months with some aging. These flavors got to mesh a little more for me, especially as that smoke and band-aid comes out hard as it warms. Still a Divine Experience...
***Update. the wife says they actually put Peat in this beer, much like that Brew Dog I had a couple weeks ago. I think I'll have file peat in the same category as sour beers. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't have the taste for them at all and it would thus automatically get a lower rating. I was the same way about hoppy beers and now I'm a hophead, so who's to say one day I won't crave a band-aid bacon smoke flavor of peat or the baby diaper and stinky feet flavor of sour beers.
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