June 15, 2008
State: Chillin
The wife picked up a pretty cool Belgian Dark Ale, Brother Thelonious for Northcoast. The label ALONE is reason enough to buy a case of this stuff. That has got to be the best beer label I've EVER seen, our boy Thelonious Monk. We poured the beer into two wine goblets and went for it...
Brother Thelonious
It pours very smooth. Nice brown color that is crimson in the light, with a tan head. It's got a fruity smell of the Abbeys. Strong head though not as frothy as the label. It's kinda malty smell as well. It goes down easy and flavors I get are malt, then brown sugar sweetness, then mabye some cinnamon spice. Medium carbonation and light hops. It's so damn good. I write down that it may be a dubbel, and later learn it's a dark ale. Medium to quick finish. It's almost as sweet as a barleywine, but with a thinner body. I cannot taste the alcohol but we know it's there.
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