Ah, the Sauce, but this time in San Antonio. My favorite bar, even if the chain is based in Dallas. To the beer we go.
Beer Log: January 1, 2009
State: Enjoying the New Year
The first beer I had of the New Year was Shiner Bock. Fitting as I am neck deep in Texas Beer.
But the Sauce was having Mystery Beer night, so I figured I would let whatever beer they gave me start me off on the style of beer.
I am surprised I never had this one. Straw color, with a strong white head. It has a soda/veggie/malt smell going on. Medium body mouthfeel with a light malty bread thing going on. It's a little gritty on my tongue and light on the hops in the aftertaste. There is a little icky hop flavor the more I drink it. 2-3 Stars. As we sit around and chat it up, I grab it again as it warmed. Lo and behold I'm getting pestachio nut smell and flavor, which put it firmly in 2 star for me. That was about the LAST thing I expected, and it only got more pestachio-like the warmer it go. I started thinking about a thriller book I read where they tried to kill the hero by getting him to eat rotted almonds, which are poisoness. The girl who put that in his food ended up eating it and dying on the spot. The fact that I was still alive at least meant there was not a price on my head.
I looked through the pale lager section of the menu, and decided to dump the whole pale lager style tonight. I'll keep to my word on the next mystery beer night.
You ever type those German words and you feel like you are going to break your fingers, this is one of those times. Deep opaque brown with a low tan head. Not much of a nose. Lots of smoke on the flavor and a bready aftertaste. Medium carbonation and medium-full body. I get a slight chocolate as it warms. Low 3 Star for me. I must be going to hard on thesee choco beers, as they are not tasting as good to me.
I'm a little tipsy at this point, so why not bring it on home with the 10.5 ABV Oskar Blues Ten Fidy.
Opaque and black with a mahogany thin head. There is a strong to medium malt and chocolate nose. The taste is lowbitternesss with a strong malt. Second draught: The body is somewhat full with a strong malt (coffee/toffee) aftertaste. Although the body is not all that thick, it is very mouth fillingg, if that makes sense. It is very balance with the hops but not over the top. The more I drink it and the more I think about it, I'm getting something akin to red wine going on in my mouth after I drink it. Low 4 Stars baby.
I've been going to the Saucer almost since it opened, and I've never heard anyone call it "the Sauce."
And the original is in Fort Worth, not Dallas. Swing by and you can buy me a Ten Fidy (mmmmm).
Thought you might want to know about an upcoming tasting at the Charlotte Saucer!
The Saucer will host a beer tasting featuring Highland Brewing Company on Thursday, Feb. 19 at 6:30 p.m.
The event will be hosted by brewery owner Oscar Wong and will pair six of Highland’s beers with four courses and dessert. Featured beers include the Gaelic Ale, St. Theresa’s Pale Ale, the Kashmir IPA, the Oatmeal Porter, the Black Mocha Stout and the Imperial Black Mocha Stout.
Tickets are $25 fof U.F.O. Club members and $30 for the general public.
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