Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Go Rattlers!

Could be I've had a bit much of the Austin Beerworks tonight.  But just want to show support for my school...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Back from Austin: Rogness

Beer Log: Right now
State: Just finished my MMA and Jiu Jitsu courses at Precision MMA

Just got back from Austin on Sunday and at Whip In we got a growler of this new Austin brewery Rogness.

Deep brown color with a tan head (1 finger no homo).  I got a great mint tea nose. The beer has a nice strong grapefruity hops that lasts throughout as well as a great chocolate and mint flavor.  It's leave a mint flavor on my nose.  Kind of like those Tazo teas you get at the Starbucks.  Maybe a hint of Earl Grey with a nice dosing of fresh mint leaves.  This thing is chock full of cinnamon and say star anise and clove, maybe some oak. High 3 Stars for the Rogness.

More Austin posts coming soon.